Maintaining Traceability for over 10 years!

Total asset life cycle and total cost of ownership are available at the touch of a button.

Maintrace® is a Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS) that is designed to simplify and improve the Maintenance and Traceability of your process plant assets and equipment.

Every physical asset goes through a life-cycle beginning with its conception and ending at its disposal. In every phase of the life-cycle numerous errors and mistakes can occur that leave defects within the asset to eventually leading to breakdowns, losses and wastage during operation.  Maintrace® allows you to schedule the maintenance tasks of your assets and can automatically calculate the recommended maintenance intervals.  

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Manage your site and user permissions by keeping all information safe and secure on the cloud.

Maintrace® operates through any simple web browser making it accessible from any internet ready device so you can access your documents digitally.

Maintrace® is a registered trademark of SHP® Automation Limited.